Germany LAR-COD analyzer for municipal sewage treatment plant
Shanghai Tendrew/2017-06-07/Views: 3,531 Views
Suitable for sewage treatment plants and process control • The fastest, least maintenance-sensitive, fast COD test of an economic program using "artistic commitment," said the quality of materials and advanced technology, Elox100 performance can be used with the previous very expensive online The performance of the analyzer is comparable.

The Elox100 also uses the LAR test principle, which incorporates EloxMonitor's renowned global design and manufacturing experience and is therefore an economical alternative to on-line COD testing.
Elox100 technology is a world-renowned patented electrochemical method, which has been developed by the LAR, the core is the working electrode current to produce OH as an oxidant to oxidize organic matter in water, while OH groups are consumed, and the formation of new OH groups A current will be generated in the electrode system, since the potential of the working electrode remains constant so that the electrical load per second is related to the concentration of the organic matter and their consumption of the oxidant at the working electrode.
OH groups are more oxidizing than ordinary oxidants (such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide), so they can quickly decompose substances in water that are difficult to decompose.