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2017 annual “major scientific equipment development” key special projects proposed project publicity

Shanghai Tendrew/2017-06-14/Views: 2,154 Views

        June 5, 2017, the Ministry of Science and Technology on the national key research and development program "advanced rail transportation" and other nine key special 2017 annual project arrangements for publicity, including the national key research and development program "major scientific equipment development" key special projects of the 2017 Annual project, the project in 2017 a total of 50 projects proposed, Shun Yu Hengping, Guangzhou Wo letter, condenser technology, in the financial days, the first environmental protection, force of science and technology, steel research and other equipment enterprises in the column.
        According to the Ministry of Science and Technology issued by the "major scientific equipment development" key special 2017 annual project reporting guidelines, major scientific equipment development special 2017 annual general layout, closely linked to China's advanced manufacturing, new materials development, environmental protection and other fields of scientific and technological innovation, Industrial upgrading and social development of the key components and key scientific equipment and the urgent needs of 50, to support the 50 special, accounting for the special "thirteen five" overall task layout of about 40% of the total budget allocated about 700 million yuan.

        2017 major scientific instruments and equipment development special declaration by the conditional enterprises led, the project results is the market prospects for a wide range of key core components and major scientific equipment and product development and industrial applications as the goal, the domestic has been able to support the core Parts, the principles and methods of scientific instruments, the prospects of commercialization is not clear core components and equipment development work, as well as clinical medical equipment, production equipment, machinery and equipment, platform construction, etc., does not belong to the special support direction.